Design and prototype mobile ticket enhancements that would help the general population avoid major incidents.
Goal: Study user needs and propose feature design and marketing enhancements to a mobile ticket that would better meet the needs of target users.
How can we provide timely congestion information and routing recommendations to all road users to better inform their transportation choices when major incidents occur?
How can mobile ticketing support roadway users (including drivers) who may need to shift transportation modes during unanticipated major congestion scenarios?
Create a mobile ticketing prototype that can help the general public navigate or avoid major incidents and related congestion. Supports the ongoing development of a Traffic Incident Management - Congestion Management "Virtual Command Center"
It will focus on
How user groups can better access or take advantage of current ticketing apps through marketing, partnerships, incentives, etc?
Recommend design guidelines Metro should consider requiring for future mobile ticketing apps.
We are working on the implementation...
See 1st iteration at ModeShift Web .
See 2st iteration and updates at Team Web (no server) , Team Web (with server) .
See webflow version at Design Version .
Here is our current version (merged all iterations):
(All code is available in Team Web GitHub Repo , and Clickable Demo GitHub Repo )
Project Manager & Designer
Data Lead & Designer
Marketing Lead & Editor
Modeling Lead & Web Developer
External Coordinator & Technical Analysis
Implementation Lead & Technical Analysis